
Fallout 4 more music mod
Fallout 4 more music mod

fallout 4 more music mod

You frustrate us at times, but we also love you so much. Of course, every gamer worth his trigger finger knows that a great game can only attain legendary status once someone begins to create mods for it.Īnd Fallout 4, like every great game that came before and after it, is no different: fans and players are still releasing mods for it as it approaches quite a few years of existence.Īnd the more obvious point is that the community looks like it doesn’t even want to stop providing updates for it! Which should probably tell a whole lot about how screwed a lot of us are feeling right now.įor sure those #WorldWar3 jokes don’t write themselves on Twitter in a vacuum, you know. You’ll feel as if you just left college and to live on your very first flat, just considerably more irradiated.And surprisingly enough, its version of a post-nuclear world remains relevant, too. Unlike many other Home Plate overhauls, Grrlie’s doesn’t completely take over the place, leaving some sizable free space for the player to add their own personal touch.

fallout 4 more music mod

Grrlie’s Home Plateįirst up in our tour through the most coveted housing in the Commonwealth is the humble Home Plate, albeit with a much-needed improvement to give the place some personality and style. If these thoughts assail your character every night and you’ve yet to find a place to call home, allow me to act as your real estate agent as we take a look at some incredible home mods you can add into your Fallout 4 experience. Nowadays there’s usually some sort of housing option, if not an entire base of operations for your character to plan out their next move.įallout 4 takes all of this one degree further, introducing the Settlement system and allowing the player not only to set up their lodgings but to manage entire communities down to the individual tasks of its dwellers.ĭid you want a house? Have fun managing your own post-apocalyptic town!Īnd yet when it’s all said and done, where do you rest?Īre the walls you’ve brought up around you enough? Do you feel at peace within your quarters? Some time ago you may even have seen people role-playing living under a tree or a bridge on certain games, especially MMOs. Ever since there have been open-world games, players have wanted to settle down and find a home for their characters to live out their days.

Fallout 4 more music mod